Contract Verification - Constructor Arguments
The Constructor Arguments are automatically appended to the end of the contract source bytecode when the contract is compiled by Solidity.
These are a few examples of contracts with Constructor Arguments:
When verifying the contract source code at FTMScan we require that you also provide us with the Constructor Arguments (if the contract required these) used when deploying your Fantom smart contract. We will use this information to perform a blockchain search to see if it matches with the existing bytecodes. The Constructor argument should be provided in ABI hex encoded form.
Which when decoded would be
Arg [0] : 00000000000000000000000033daedabab9085bd1a94460a652e7ffff592dfe3
Arg [1] : 000000000000000000000000fec8bb460c2501b8c1d4801f34b4408c1fbbccb1
Another quick and dirty way of figuring out what your constructor arguments are is to compare both the browser solidity/remix compiled bytecode and compare this with the input creation bytecode. If you look carefully you will notice that the additional hex codes attached at the END of the input created bytecode. This is your 'Constructor Arguments'.